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Ray Borley Dunkley LLP


When your relationship breaks down

Time really is of the essence.

The sooner you talk to us, the more effective our advice will be. We have specialist lawyers able to advise you fully in all areas of relationship breakdown. We advise married couples, cohabiting partners and parties in same sex relationships. Of course, all you say is in complete confidence.

If the relationship with your partner is breaking down, we will explain the legal options available to you and what you can do immediately to protect your position. Whilst setting out the various options, we will act on what YOU, the client, deem to be the best action in your particular circumstances.

We can guide you through the divorce process. Alternatively if you have decided to separate but do not wish to divorce or do not have grounds for divorce we can guide in making arrangements for your children or dealing with financial matters. Knowing where you stand legally, sound practical advice and the sensitive approach of our dedicated and experienced solicitors and support staff can be a great help in sustaining you through this period of great turmoil.

We deal with the whole range of issues that can and do arise upon family breakdown including:

  • Divorce
  • Financial & Property Matters (including advising high net worth clients)
  • Children issues
  • Separation Agreements
  • Domestic Violence
  • Civil Partnership - setting up / breakdown
  • Pre-nuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

The team aims to resolve issues by way of a negotiated settlement and will support you through mediation if this process is deemed best for your particular situation. However, if Court proceedings are necessary, our team has the experience and resources to represent you through all the stages of Court action, our aim being to keep the tension and stress to a minimum by providing speedy, effective advice to help resolve these sensitive issues.

Darshana Jagatia is a solicitor and principal with extensive experience and heads our Family and Matrimonial department. She provides expert advice in relation to all family, matrimonial and cohabitational issues.

If you would like to make an enquiry please contact us on 01908 563232 or email

Family Department Fees

We appreciate Court fees and legal costs are a significant consideration in matrimonial matters.

This firm provides an initial Fixed Fee Consultation in relation to Family matters which includes issues concerning divorce, children, matrimonial finances, separation between cohabitees and the like at a Fixed Fee for 30 minutes of £100.00 plus VAT. In addition, there is an Anti-Money Laundering Fee that is payable of £4.00 plus VAT (this is a legal requirement by our governing body).


This firm does not provide advice under the Legal Aid Scheme.

There is a Court fee payable on initiation of divorce proceedings. This is currently £550.00. It is payable on initiation of proceedings (if, however, a party is eligible on a means-tested basis, they may be exempt from paying the aforesaid fee – we can advise you should you be eligible for this).

Our standard costs for dealing with divorce proceedings, from initiation through to pronouncement of Decree Absolute on behalf of a Petitioner range from £600.00 to £800.00 plus VAT. There may be certain circumstances in which we would advise you of the merits of seeking for those divorce costs to be paid by the opponent.

Our costs for representing a party as Respondent in divorce proceedings would be in the region of between £100.00 to £150.00 plus VAT.

Matrimonial/Cohabitational Finances

We are able to represent your interests either as Applicant or Respondent in relation to issues concerning division of finances upon divorce or separation. It is very difficult to provide a quotation in this brief indication of costs since each case is unique. However, on average, our costs in dealing with ancillary financial matters from initiation through to the Financial Dispute Resolution appointment (where we are generally able to resolve issues by way of a settlement, known as a Consent Agreement, at that stage). Should matters proceed to a Final Hearing (contested), the costs will very much depend on the individual circumstances of the case and we will be able to provide a detailed quotation at that stage, but in such instances, costs can range from £6,000.00 to £12,000.00.

Children Issues

We are able to represent your interests in relation to all aspects of matters concerning children, including acting for grandparents in relation to their opportunities to see (have contact with) their grandchildren. We also deal with adoptions.

It is difficult, in this forum, to give a detailed breakdown of the likely costs. However, there is an issue fee for a Section 8 Application, currently of £255.00. Our costs on average from initial instructions through to the First Appointment are likely to be in the region of between £1,000.00 to £2,000.00 plus VAT. Often matters are resolved through discussions and mediation, either at or prior to that hearing. If not, we would be in a position to advise you of the costs as the matter progresses in your specific circumstances.

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